This is Robert Sharp’s eponymous blog. I write about freedom of expression, multiculturalism, the nature of political debate, and the impact of digital technology on our lives and cultures.
Until November 2018 I worked as Head of Campaigns at English PEN, and am now freelance. I write here in a strictly personal capacity, so please don’t extrapolate my views to those of any employer.
I was formerly director of the TONY award winning digital design and film company 59 Productions (@59productions) where I worked on several film and theatrical projects. If you need an approved biography and/or photo for some sort of speaking engagement or event, then you can download this handy ZIP file [2Mb].
Public keys for encrypted e-mail may be found here.
To my great irritation, I am not the media and communications academic Rob Sharp. There is something fascinating about the exploits of people with the same name as oneself. You can catch up on the planet’s other Robert Sharps via this Twitter list.