Free Eynulla Fatullayev

Yesterday, English PEN took part in a demonstration with other free speech organisations outside the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. We demanded the release of Eynulla Fatullayev, and editor who was imprisoned for defamation of the state (i.e. criticising the government), a law which it is generally agreed is an infringement of the right to free expression.
During the demo we made a short video, featuring yrstrly.

The protest was convened in part to show solidarity with Azeri writers and Fatullayev’s family, so providing a translation was essential. After edting it, we used a nifty tool called CaptionTube to create subtitle tracks for the video.
Photos are available too:

Inside Time

Due to English PEN’s various free speech campaigns, I’ve been cited in a couple of print publications recently.  I welcomed Jack Straw’s announcements on libel reform in The Bookseller, and celebrated a minor victory on Criminal Memoirs for Inside Time.  There doesn’t seem to be a permalink for the latter article, so I’m reproducing it below.
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