I am enjoying Austin Kleon’s obsession with zines and decided to make one for myself.
I chose to summarise Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] UKHL 100, a landmark case in the development of the tort of negligence, and also for manufacturers liability for defective products.
The case is a memorable one, because of the snail. But it occurs to me that case law is a perfect subject for zines, because most cases can be summarised in a few paragraphs. The facts are usually quite unique and remarkable (else why else would a bunch of judges have to decide on the outcome?) and every case presents a slice of social, political or industrial history. The parties are often long abolished local authorities, or factories for products now obsolete.
I might make some more.
I hope this is the first in a series.
— Claire Simmons 🎠⚓️🧩📯📋🍬🍫 (@Clarice007) June 3, 2020
I have uploaded a flattened version of the zine as a PDF [9MB], which you can print and fold if you wish.