Crises and Conflicts from NewCon Press

I’m delighted to have a short story featured in Crises and Conflicts, a new anthology of space and military science fiction, just published by NewCon Press as part of their 10th Anniversary celebrations.
My piece, ‘Round Trip’ is a tale of loneliness, obsession, patience, and the tedious experience of waiting for a no-frills budget space shuttle to Jupiter (we’ve all be there).
The central science fiction idea in the story is that the universe is finite and curved, a theory developed by the cosmologist Professor Janna Levin. I can highly recommend her book How The Universe Got Its Spots and her beautiful Moth story ‘Life on a Mobius Strip‘.

‘Round Trip’ is actually a reworking of the spoken word story I delivered at Unsung Live 2 last year, which some people said was good.  To my great fortune, Ian Whates of NewCon was in the audience and asked me if I could produce a written version of the story for him.
I was delighted to oblige.  NewCon Press is the kind of publisher that wins British Science Fiction Awards (plural), or gets nominated for a British Fantasy Award.  Moreover, the roster of authors also appearing in Crises and Conflicts is really impressive.
The book is now available in paperback and eBook.

Crises and Conflict, hardback and paperback
Crises and Conflict, hardback and paperback


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